What We Do


Cross Cutting Themes

Many of MIDNIMO WOMEN NETWORK’s interventions and much of its thought leadership cuts across cut across the following domains:

Gender Equality

Gender equality means that women and men should have the same rights and opportunities to shape and influence their own lives and the communities in which they live. In order to achieve this, we need to change patriarchal structures and unjust power relationships based on gender by focusing on women’s political participation, economic empowerment, the right to live a life free from violence, etc.


Due to no or limited access to education, employment and personal development opportunities, most youth in Pakistan feel being a burden rather than part of a solution of national challenges. MIDNIMO WOMEN NETWORK has been working with youth to enhance their capabilities and leadership capacities to introduce them as advocates of peace and productive members of society.

Poverty Reduction

MIDNIMO WOMEN NETWORK is working to reduce poverty and aid economic growth. This is because “Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of human rights. Everyone everywhere has the right to live in dignity, free from fear and oppression, free from hunger and thrust, and free to express themselves and associate at will.

Women and Children

The challenges facing children, women and families in Somalia remain formidable. Somalia is one of the most complex and protracted humanitarian crises in the horn of Africa.


IDPs and Returnees – Since 1991, millions of Somalis have fled their homes to escape fighting between different warring groups. During this period, conflict and generalized violence has resulted in large-scale internal displacement in the country, and many citizens have fled across the borders of Somalia to become refugees. Hundreds of thousands of people have sought refuge within the greater Horn of Africa region, while others have resettled to countries further away. It is estimated that 4 million Somali live in foreign and due to the changing socio-political situations around the world, many are choosing to return. Equally, there are over 2,000 recorded IDP sites hosting 2.6 m displaced people across Somalia. People displaced to these informal sites are living in precarious conditions. The sites are overcrowded, lack dignified living conditions and enough access to basic services. An estimated 360,000 people in IDP sites are persons with various disabilities, 48 percent are women while five percent are elderly. MIDNIMO WOMEN NETWORK works with IDPs and Returnees to provide life-saving interventions and protection services.


and racism faced by the disabled person in Somalia through innovative advocacy technique, which involves crowd-sourcing, organizing and disseminating personal life stories online. Additionally, MIDNIMO WOMEN NETWORK empower disabled persons to record their own stories themselves, providing the opportunity for individuals with

Disabled people

disabilities to learn and apply skills in digital media storytelling for advocacy.

It is important to ensure that people with disabilities are protected during humanitarian emergencies and provided with access to projects, both for ethical reasons and because it is enshrined in international law. MIDNIMO WOMEN NETWORK adopts a ‘twin-track’ approach, meaning that plans are put in place both to ensure that people with disabilities are included in all efforts, as well as to address the particular needs of people with disabilities

Minority people

Immense violations of basic human rights have affected minorities The Somali minorities collectively – and minority members individually

suffer denial and abuse of the whole range of basic human rights set out in international and regional conventions including the international Covenant on Civil and Political Rights MIDNIMO WOMEN NETWORK strengthens low informants accordingly these conventions  International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), Convention Against Torture (CAT), International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, all of which are legally binding on Somalia. Many of the abuses Somali minorities have experienced in conflict situations are also violations of the Geneva Conventions and other provisions of international humanitarian law. Given this context, minorities are an important target for our programmatic interventions.

We are looking forward to strength our cooperation and joint activity of our target beneficiaries we are also committed to working for our community, between the community and donors, to meet their diverse needs by managing them equitably transparent, fairly and accountability.

We respect and value each other, thrive on our diversity and work with partners to leverage our global strength in making a difference for African people.

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© 2024 Midnimo Network | Design By SomHub Technologies | with funding from Puntland NGO Network (PUNTNGO)