The purpose of the meeting is to share experiences and knowledge exchange, plan and share agendas and actions towards different women’s issues, WROs, and WRA’s present challenges for women with way-forwards Midnimo Women Network in partnership with Nagaad Network and SiHa Network is going to support existing women coalition in Somaliland, Puntland and South-central Somalia under WCW project. Women’s rights organizations and movements are fundamental to this grand support, organizations led by women and girls share a common experience and understanding of gender-based discrimination and can thus start from the reality of women’s and girls’ lives. Other women facing the same challenges are more likely to trust them and want to work with them. This gives women’s rights organizations a unique ability to reach women in marginalized communities, and bring them together to analyze their situation and realize that the inequalities they experience are also experienced by others, are structural and can be changed, by adopting the 2022 to 2026 Midnimo WOmen Network strategy for Sustainable Development, have committed to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. This is a pressure group that is responsible for representing all women, connecting all women, sharing ideas of women’s rights, supporting participating in leadership, uniting women, delivering essential services, self-education, persuading authorities to provide for women needs, fighting sexual violence, and take part in women concerned issues for all and inclusivity, We also continuing to equip the coalition members with various pieces of training, mentorship, coaching, and guidance.